Good Company Certificate
INNOBIZ(technologically innovative small and medium-sized business) confirmation
Patent certificate (functional towel hanger)
Patent certificate (toilet seat and sewage treatment system)
Patent certificate (pull-out shower)
Gyeonggi-do star company designation
Design registration certificate KR-1000
Design registration certificate K-1801T
Design registration certificate K-1301T
Design registration certificate Bathroom ACC
GICOVILL trademark registration certificate
KAISERRAUM trademark registration application form
Certificate of selection for excellent design product
Citation for excellent company in delivery unit price linkage system
Commendation for venture business merit
Venture business confirmation
Icheon Mayor Commendation
Gyeonggi Province Governor’s Commendation for Contribution to the Local Economy
Korean Standards Association membership card
Certification of research and development department
Gyeonggi-do Promising Small Business Certificate (English)
Gyeonggi-do Promising Small and Medium Business Certificate (Korean)
Towel rack KS certificate
Toilet paper holder KS certificate
ISO 45001 Certificate (English)
ISO 45001 Certificate (Korean)
ISO 9001 Certificate (English)
ISO 9001 Certificate (Korean)
Architectural sealant KS certificate
Eco-friendly certificate for architectural sealant